(+45) 98 65 83 33 binderupkro@mail.dk


Take a course at St. Binderup Kro!
We offer day coruses, 24-hour courses, or custom-length courses on demand.
The course facilities are just by our beautiful park – enjoy Your stay when not studying too…

Day Course
Reservation on binderupkro@mail.dk

Coffee served with halves bread roll and butter.
Starter and main course or main course and dessert.
1 Beer or soft drink
Coffee and pastry.

Price per person DKK 245,-

Additional fee for Saturday: DKK 25,- per person
Price includes iced water in the conference room.

24-hour Course
Reservation on binderupkro@mail.dk
Lunchplate with 1 beer or soft drink
Coffee and pastry.
2-course dinner with 2 gl. of wine
Coffee and pastry.
Double room with bath and toilet
(additional fee for single room: DKK 150,-)
“Serve youself” breakfast buffet.
Price per person DKK 645,-

Additional fee for Saturday: DKK 25,- per person
Price includes iced water in the conference room.

The price stated above includes course room and (if nessary) seminar room, as well necessary aids such as overheadprojector, flip-over, board, internet, TV and video.

Contact us

If you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact us with the form below.

Mini break

3 nights in a lovely double room
3 x 2-course dinners with coffee
3 x breakfast buffets
1 x double room

Per person DKK 1.599,00,-

Order online